Friday, 27 June 2014

Can’t Ignore Web App Services Security

Security plays a crucial, vital and is very critical part that plays a major role towards web application and development services. Therefore XML-RPC or SOAP both have no specifications that makes any explicit security or authentication requirements to fulfill the need of web application and development companies. There are main three precise security issues with Web Application and Development Services that couldn’t be ignored such as Confidentiality, Authentication, Network Security and Confidentiality.
What if a client sends an XML request to a server after that the question is that can we make sure that the communication remains confidential? The answer lies here that XML-RPC and SOAP run primarily on top of HTTP as HTTP is used to support for Secure Sockets Layer known as SSL. Message passing or communication can be encrypted via the SSL and is a proven technology and broadly deployed but a single web application and development service may contain of a chain of web applications and development services. For instance one gigantic web application  development company might altogether the services of three other web applications and in this case SSL is not that sufficient the communications need to be encrypted at each and every node along with the service path and every node presents a potential weak link in the chain. By the time there is no agreed-upon resolution to this problem but one promising solution is the W3C XML Encryption Standard as this standard gives a framework for encrypting and decrypting whole XML documents or may be just portions of an XML document.
Come to the Authentication point of view and what if a client connects to a web application and development service and how can we recognize the user? Second question is does the user authorized enough to utilize the web application and development services?
No as such clearance regarding this but still we can focus on the following options that can be considered likewise HTTP consist of built-in support for Basic and Digest authentication along with the services that can therefore be secured in much the similar fashion as HTML documents are currently protected.

There is currently no easy answer to the problem like network security and is becoming debate day by day. Firewall vendors are now creating tools to design to filter web service traffic.